There is Some EPIC in the Air…

Some of you may judge, and say we haven’t known each other long enough… that we’re moving too fast. But when things are right, they’re right. We cannot deny our love anymore.

My Facebook fiancee and I are officially tying the knot this fall, in the middle of our birthdays.  This way, each year we will be able to have one big huge shebang, which means that you all have to buy us extra enormous presents. We’re registered at WalMart and the liquor store. Don’t worry, there’ll be an open bar of an assortment of boxed wine.


Unless I’m not.

Anyhizzle, this website is not only to serve as a documentation of our undying love, it is also a reminder to all of you to save the date of Saturday, October 17th, 2009, in Washington DC, location: UPSTAIRS at Stetson’s on 16th and U Streets, (U Street  Metro- 13th Street exit! Not 10th!) – 8 pm.

Do what you need to do to be there, people. It’s gonna be epic.


P.S. Leave a comment below if you’re in, so we know how many gift bags to make…






